Friends Of Bedford
County Animal Shelter
We are devoted to enriching the lives of and finding
homes for the county's homeless shelter pets.
Tabby (short coat) : : Male : : Baby
Pacho is a gorgeous buff tabby, 5 wks old, may be blind, will be available for adoption Sept 13, 2016. He is not in FOBCAS care, we are promoting for the Bedford County Animal Shelter and we cannot guarantee the health of any of the animals available for adoption. He uses his litterbox at the shelter. Please email fobcasfriends@gmail.com or call the Bedford County Animal Shelter, 540-586-7690 for more information. Friends of Bedford County Animal Shelter, Inc. is a home-based animal welfare organization. We are working to decrease the number of animals euthanized at the Bedford county Animal Shelter. For more information on any shelter pet or any other inquiries, please email us at fobcasfriends@gmail.com. |